Bastille Day was last Sunday, so I am a few days late, but I wanted to write about some of the things I absolutely love about the French Revolution. Not the guillotine and the years of Terror, the burning of chateaux, massacres and terrible abuses of power, of course. I just love the revolutionaries’ enthusiasm for change, their thirst for reform and their sometimes completely crazy ideas.
Take the calendar which came into effect in 1792 by 'Décret de la Convention Nationale' and remained in place until Napoleon abolished it in 1806.

It wasn’t enough to
make a break with the old Gregorian calendar and its references to the birth of
Jesus Christ and to turn 1792 into the Year 1 (An I) of the new era. In the
republican calendar, months and days were renamed and rearranged in a more ‘logical’
manner so that there were twelve months which were each divided into three
exact periods of ten days.
Forget the old lundi (Monday), mardi (Tuesday) and so on… The new days were called primidi, duodi, tridi, quartidi, quintidi, sextidi, septidi, octidi, nonidi and decadi! Decadi was the day of rest. However, many people protested that they were losing out under the new regime since they only had a day of rest in ten days whereas before there was a Sunday every seven days! The new republican year didn’t start on January 1st but at the time of the autumn equinox, around 22nd September.
To make the break with the ‘Ancien Régime’ even more
drastic and erase any mention of Catholic saints and festivals, each day was
placed under the sign of a plant, an animal or an agricultural implement. Some
days sound wonderfully poetic (Reseda, olive, pistachio, basil, peach), others
very down to earth (water can, manure, shovel) and others just a little weird
(salt, lead, zinc, pig, donkey!).

For autumn, he chose Vendémiaire (from the word 'vendanges' which means grape picking), Brumaire (mist) and Frimaire (wintry weather). In winter, we had Nivôse (snow), Pluviôse
(rain) and Ventôse (wind). The spring
months were Germinal (germination), Floréal (flowers) and Prairial (meadows). Finally Fabre
d’Eglantine named the summer months Messidor
(from the summer 'moissons' or harvests), Thermidor
(heat) and Fructidor (fruit).
As there were five days left at the end of the
year (from 16th to 22nd September) Fabre d’Eglantine
decided there would be celebrations of republican values such as Virtue, Engineering
and Work. A most peculiar celebration was the ‘Fête de l’Opinion’ during which French people were allowed to make
fun of civil servants and public figures any way they liked – be it
caricatures, songs or pamphlets. According to Fabre d’Eglantine, the ‘Fête de l’Opinion’ would make sure there
could be no abuse of power from the men in charge of public affairs. Was he a
little naive? Poor Fabre d'Eglantine was guillotined on 17th Germinal, Year II
(6 April 1794). I wonder if it was because the civil servants didn’t like his
idea of the ‘Fête de l’Opinion’!
But that’s not all!

So what is your favourite 'revolutionary' month? Mine has to be Floréal...
Marie Laval
'Angel Heart' at
'The Lion's Embrace' at
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