by Carola Dunn
Adventure, romance, danger, war, murder, high finance, and a leavening of humour--
Now out, my Rothschild trilogy will be reprinted in the UK. Also available as e-book for Nook, Kindle and others.
Now out, my Rothschild trilogy will be reprinted in the UK. Also available as e-book for Nook, Kindle and others.
Lord Roworth's Reward is the second book of the Rothschild Trilogy, after Miss Jacobson's Journey and followed by Captain Ingram's Inheritance.
1815: Felix Roworth accepts a job from the Rothschilds, to follow Society to Brussels and send immediate word to London of the outcome of the inevitable battle between Bonaparte, escaped from Elba, and the Duke of Wellington. The son of a bankrupt peer, Felix shares lodgings in Brussels with a penniless artillery officer and his pretty sister, Frank and Fanny Ingram, as the French approach and citizens and visitors panic. When Frank is badly wounded in the Battle of Waterloo, Felix helps Fanny get him to safety. But he needs a well-born, wealthy match, for his family's sake. It's his duty to forget the attraction he feels for Fanny.
Chapter 1
The parlour
door-latch clicked. Felix glanced up, on the verge of embarrassment
at being discovered on his hands and knees on the worn brown drugget
carpet, but of course it was only Fanny.
His little rider
slid off his back and ran to her, black ringlets flying. "Tía,
have you buyed me a great big sugar plum?"
Fanny corrected automatically, setting down her basket on the table.
As Felix sprang to his feet and dusted the knees of his buckskin
breeches, he saw that she was hot and tired, her brown curls limp
under the jaunty straw hat with its single sagging plume. Though it
was still May, Brussels sweltered under a cloudless sky.
"Did you
bought me one?" Anita repeated obediently.
Fanny's round face
dimpled in a smile at Felix. "Yes," she assured the child,
"you shall have a sugar plum but you must eat your bread and
milk first. Did you thank Tío
Felix for giving you a ride?"
"Not yet."
Spreading her skirts with two tiny hands, Anita wobbled a curtsy, the
tip of her tongue protruding from the corner of her mouth in her
concentration. "There," she said with a beam of triumph.
"Thank you, Tío Felix, my lord. You are a good horse."
Laughing, Felix
swept her up in his arms and kissed her soft cheek. "And you are
a good rider."
"She should
be. She started on a Spanish mule before she was two." Fanny
took off her hat, crossed to the tarnished looking-glass over the
mantel, and did her best with deft fingers to set her curls in order.
"Thank you for taking care of her, my lord," she said over
one slim shoulder. "The marketing took longer than I expected,
I'm afraid. There are more and more soldiers in the streets every
day, which I daresay we should be glad of."
since sooner or later it is bound to come to a battle. According to
all reports, Boney is still drawing troops to his Eagles."
"But half of
ours are raw recruits, or Belgian farm lads of doubtful allegiance.
Many of them are mere boys, and of the Brunswickers, too, however
impressive they look in their black with those horrid skulls and
crossbones on their shakos! Still, today you will see the flower of
the British Army. I trust I have not made you late for your
appointment with Lady Sophia--or is it Madame Lisle you are taking to
the Review?" she added with a quizzing look.
"Lady Sophia,"
Felix answered curtly. Miss Fanny Ingram should not even be aware of
his Belgian chère-amie,
let alone mention her. But then, one could not expect the delicacy of
a well-bred, sheltered young lady, the exquisite sensibilities of a
Lady Sophia, in a female who had followed the drum from birth.
Now what had she
said to make him poker up? Fanny wondered. Lord Roworth usually took
her teasing in good part. Of course: she ought not to have mentioned
his mistress. Mama would have been equally shocked at her daughter's
frankness, but Mama was buried somewhere in the Spanish mountains
south of Coruña. After six years, it was difficult to remember all
her lessons.
Still, if Fanny
should not have spoken so, Lord Roworth ought not to have set up a
mistress when he was assiduously courting a noble beauty. Frank had
told her about Katrina Lisle, and they had shaken their heads
together over the peculiar ways of the nobility.
Felix Roworth was
handsome enough to keep any number of females happy, with his
dark-gold locks, ruffled now by Anita's clasp, his brilliant blue
eyes, his tall, broad-shouldered form. But Fanny had no intention of
being numbered among those languishing females. Nor had she any
intention of letting his disapproval abash her.
"Then you had
best be on your way, sir," she said tranquilly.
He grinned, his
momentary stiffness vanished. "Lady Sophia does not care for
tardiness in her suitors, true, but I'm not late. Wellington is not
to arrive until two, I understand."
"Well, you
should know, intimate with Old Hookey as you are. Poor Frank and
Captain Mercer have been out there with their guns since early this
morning. They have to see that the men polish the barrels, as well as
their buttons, buckles and boots. Though the Duke never has a good
word for the Artillery, Colonel Frazer insists that today they shine
as brightly as the rest of the Cavalry."
"Shall you go?"
"Not I. Twenty
miles, in this heat, to see our fellows dressed up in their fancy
coats?" She spoke lightly, with scorn, to hide her wistful
desire to see the Review. Her brother's Horse Artillery battery was
seldom on parade.
Though usually less
than perceptive, Lord Roworth saw through her pretense of
indifference. "I wish I might offer to take you, but Lady Sophia
is expecting my escort and I've borrowed a curricle which will only
hold two, with her groom up behind."
Even if he had a
spacious barouche, Lady Sophia would hardly appreciate the presence
of a dowdy stranger and a small child on her excursion, Fanny thought
sardonically. Just as well it was impossible, but it was a kind
notion, typical of his good nature. Whatever his faults, he was a
"Never mind,"
she said, turning to practical matters, "I really must finish
Anita's new dress. She grows shockingly fast."
"My new dress
is blue and it has scarlet ribbons," Anita announced with pride.
"That's the same colours like Tío Frank's best coat."
Tío Frank's coat. Come, Anita, we must take the basket to Henriette
in the kitchen."
"I'll carry
it," Felix offered, picking it up. "It's heavy! What a
deuced nuisance that Henriette will not go to market."
"She is far
too busy, not to mention too fat. Madame Vilvoorde used to go
herself, I collect, but now she is a landlady and above such things."
"Landlady! She
lets out a few shabby rooms at an exorbitant rent!" he snorted.
"You ought not to have to shop for provisions."
"I don't mind.
Believe me, it is easy compared to foraging in the Peninsula!"

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See an excerpt of the first in the trilogy here:
Amazon UK
Kindle ebook
Nook ebook
Also available in other e-formats
Congratulations, Carola, on your latest release! I've tweeted this blog post.
Thank you, Lindsay. I'm really thrilled that they're being released in the UK and hope the publisher will go on to do more of my Regencies, long out of print though available as ebooks. Still lots of readers who prefer paper!
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